BDLI on behalf of BMWi, DLR , ESA and German aerospace industry

A space pavilion where everything revolves around the earth.
A showcase for German and European aerospace.

Our client's challenge is making their communication efforts palpable while presenting tangible the benefits of Space. The solution for the ILA Berlin Air Show 2016 with the emphasis on "space": A thematic discovery zone for the contributions of the space travel for the earth and mankind. Very specific. And with a pavilion that demonstrates exactly what "Space for Earth" provides: this pavilion, as one of the highlights of the trade show, makes clear to the approx. 150,000 visitors the leading position of Germany and Europe in the aerospace industry. And all this while constrained by tight conditions regarding the budget and timing. With the highest demands for design and functionality. Plus innovative edutainment. Exactly our core specialty: Providing something amazing.

Our client has the greatest expectations, which we take into consideration in our thinking and planning right from the very beginning. Along with a holistic approach to strategy, we also rely on the integration of structures and multimedia elements: the pavilion is a pure strain of technological aesthetics. The staging of the presentation must be impressive without feeling ostentatious: The international public is watching our customer; he has to communicate just the right message. Approx. 150,000 industry and private visitors as well as 3800 media representatives whose expectations are very high. We develop a storyline around aerospace that illustrates why "Space for Earth" is so crucial. Because aerospace opens up new perspectives, allowing you to sometimes see better from a distance than from close up. Our twist for the best viewpoint: The earth is our home -> the best location to observe how it works and to understand what needs to be changed to make things better is from the outside. -> Way on the outside looking in. From space. -> And that's why we designed a pavilion where we can look down on the earth from space. -> From a space capsule that orbits around the Tree of Life.


Clear goal: showcasing Germany's contributions to aerospace at the trade show in an impressive manner. Content-focused but also functional, for example, cleverly distribute the large flow of visitors to the pavilion, enabling people to view the multimedia applications undisturbed and, above all, allowing them to interact with them. Because the technologically-innovative exhibits of "Space for Earth" allow you to experience them up close and personal. Gaea "Mother Earth" and the "Tree of Life" stand in the center of the pavilion, well actually hanging from the ceiling. Around this orbits several majestic space capsules; one for each main theme of the space travel. The walls of the pavilion are adorned with the political and economical aspects of space travel. The reference to "Space for Earth" is always the focus. We also use four elements made from printed fabric to make the space architecturally appealing, but still in a cost-effective manner. The images show aerospace technology in captivating clarity and form a room atmosphere with the remaining designs that captivate the onlookers.


The design has been thoroughly developed and turned into reality. The idea behind the whole could be felt down to every detail – the concept unfolded. Even better than thought –it was unique and the first of its kind, fascinating by its monumental overall impact. In its final form, functionality and experience, the pavilion was available to the public at ILA in Berlin in June 2016.

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BDLI on behalf of BMWi, DLR , ESA and German aerospace industry.
1,580 sqm